About Us
Experienced Professionals, Committed to Diversity
Blue Ridge Event Staffing started in 2012 with the core belief: A living wage should be the minimum wage. We start all of our staff at a living wage. Because of the nature of what we do, we can not offer full time employment to our event staff. However, we can ensure that the people we send to work in events in WNC are being justly paid. That belief forms the core from which our values extend.
Blue Ridge Event Staffing is a proud supporter of LGBTQI + weddings and couples. Black Lives Matter, and Black Weddings matter. POC Matter Here. We love learning new traditions. From traditional Indian weddings to traditional Nigerian buffets, we go the extra mile to listen, research, and educate staff if needed.
Blue Ridge Event Staffing hires and values a diverse staff. We focus on providing qualified food and beverage event staff. Our staff are experienced food and beverage professionals, we do not staff light industrial or clerical positions.
We love supporting local businesses, and do so whenever we can. Whether we are buying office supplies, print materials, disposable plates, or cloth face masks, chances are someone in Asheville makes or sources these items. We are committed to keeping the money that comes into Asheville here in Asheville to keep this community that inspires so much love, thriving.
In The Office
The Blue Ridge Event Staffing Team is made up of past staff. We promote from within because first hand experience in events in Asheville makes for an office team who truly understands how our vendor partners work.
When we make recommendations it comes from a well of experience not only with food and beverage needs, but of our venue and vendor needs. Our office team is ready to assist clients as they move through planning and logistics, to a fully staffed event that is ready to execute your plans.
Over the years we have honed our scope of service to reflect our strengths: providing food and beverage professionals to make your event as smooth and easy as possible.
The Staffing Crew
Blue Ridge Event Staffing would not be what it is without our talented staff who work at your events. We have some staffers that have been working with us for years. We have some who just spend a summer before moving on to other towns or talents. Besides being talented food and beverage professionals our staff boasts a diverse range of occupations and hobbies. Your event captain may be a hotel manager. The waiter helping your guests may teach yoga or be a realtor. Your kitchen support staff may be a chef.