Staff Portal

Welcome to the Staff Portal

2020 has brought many changes to our industry. We are compiling protocols and procedures for events and will be really focusing on captain education as we start getting back into events again. Please look to your captain for guidance if you are unsure of new protocols. We also have materials available within the portal for staff as well.

Staffers should not report to a shift if they are feeling unwell or running a fever. Even if we are inside our traditional 48 hour drop period.

Please call Kai or Robyn immediately at 828.239.9300 if you are running a fever or feeling unwell so that we can find a replacement. There is a Covid Symptom Checklist available within the portal. Symptoms include (but are not limited to): A Fever, Dry Cough, Loss of Smell 

Also available at log-in are safe mask wearing procedures. BRES will provide freshly laundered black cloth face coverings for each shift. Please review the correct use of this vital safety precaution. For our non-corporate gigs, we will also be offering gloves and sanitizing agents. During corporate gigs we urge staffers to bring their own hand sanitizer.

Please also log-in to view our Action Plan, the four-step action plan is a document created to empower you to make the right call in the event that someone feels unwell during an event.

Available as always are links to the BRES Staff Handbook, our Alcohol Policies, and a shortcut to register for local RASP trainings, and a shortcut to the BRES Staffers FB page.

Get Paid Promptly and Accurately – Make Use of the Invoice Form

Below these documents is the Contractor Invoice Form. Please fill this out for ALL shifts. With the coronavirus we are considering having venue managers record and report all hours in an effort to cut down on high touch point shared spaces. This makes it even more important for staffers to report with the invoicing form as a formal reporting of hours.

Moving forward we will be doing payroll based on these invoices and so it is imperative that all invoices for a week be submitted by MONDAY MORNING.

You may also report your hours by calling 828-357-4323 if you have a barrier to regularly accessing this website. If you use this option please use these 5 W’s

  • Who – State your Full Name
  • What – What you were doing (bartending, wait staff, set-up, etc)
  • When – Please Give Both In and Out Times
  • Where – Venue
  • Whatever Else – Travel Notes, Event Notes, Questions, Comments
To start accessing the materials available online please enter the password provided!